Kumari Palany & Co

The health centres in TN will have life saving emergency medicines etc hereafter!!

Posted on: 29/Apr/2023 9:25:11 AM
Here comes an important and superb piece of news for the heart patients!!

In more than 8000 health centres across Tamil Nadu, emergency medicines like thinners etc would be available. It is known that thinners would delay or even prevent complications in the patients with symptoms of heart attacks etc. Nurses would take care of these emergency medicines in the health centers.

Protocols that would be needed to be followed by these nurses would be decided by a panel of cardiologists. It was brought out by Mr. M. Subramanian, health minister of TN that nurses would be given training to identify the heart attack symptoms. The nurses would administer preventive drugs after teleconsulting with the health specialists. Not many of us would know the fact that in TN every year nearly 25000 people die due to ST elevated myocardial infarction or STEMI ,which is a type of  heart attack that can lead to serious complications and death etc.

To create a hub and spoke model for care for early intervention and treatment, National Health Missions TN Wing has worked with a network of hospitals. Truth is that medication given while waiting for an ambulance would delay the worsening of the condition.

As per Dr. Shilpa Prabhakaran Sateesh, director, TNNHM Mission, it was clear that the doctors have been working out models to know if the medicine could be administered on the ambulances itself. By this, complications and deaths due to cardiac arrest in TN could be prevented.

The health minister then spoke about how the districts in TN have been instructed to identify PHCs that require new buildings. He added that 500 new PHCs would be built and staff would be recruited. To encourage the people to walk every day, the district officers have been told to identify 8km stretches of roads with shady trees on both sides.