Kumari Palany & Co

Surprising habit that can make a person prone to Alzheimers Disease or AD!!

Posted on: 01/May/2023 9:25:10 AM
One of the worst things that could happen for anyone in life is loss of memory power.

Not only the lives of those persons who have lost their memory power would be extremely difficult but even those who take care of these persons also. A progressive brain disorder that would slowly eat away the memory, thinking capacity etc of a person  is Alzheimer`s Disease or AD. The research studies have shown that the accumulation of toxic chemicals like beta amyloid, tau etc could result in AD.

For many years, it has been mentioned by the doctors that genetic and other factors like ageing etc could lead to AD. 

The surprising piece of information is that the habit of nose picking could also lead to Alzheimer`s Disease. It is learnt that by nose picking certain internal tissues could get damaged. This would then provide an easy path for bacteria etc to reach the brain. After reaching the brain, the bacteria could cause symptoms similar to AD  etc.

What is nose picking:

Nose picking refers to  putting fingers or other objects inside the nose to remove the mucous. It is okay to nose pick occasionally but doing this regularly might lead to inflammation and damage the delicate nasal lining. Through the olfactory nerve, the nasal cavity is linked directly to the brain.

Truth is that the olfactory nerve (responsible for the sense of smell) has got a direct link to the hippocampus of the brain. This hippocampus is an important area for memory and learning etc.

Aggressive nose picking could lead to chronic inflammation and this could even trigger an inflammatory response in the hippocampus. By this, the brain cells would get damaged and abnormal proteoins like beta amyloid and tau etc could accumulate also.

Other habits that can lead to AD are:

Poor sleep:

Our brain gets rest when we sleep. Hence, sleeping well is very important for us for our overall health to be good.  There are chances of getting Alzheimer`s Disease due to chronic sleep problems.

Sedentary lifestyle:

Total absence of any physical activity could lead to AD in a person. By doing simple exercises like walking, running, jogging etc the blood supply to the brain would be superb and new brain cells would be developed.

Unhealthy food intake:

A person would have more chchances of getting issues like AD if the person consumes a diet rich in processed foods, unhealthy fats and added sugars etc

Chronic stress:

Unmanaged stress for a long time could lead to issues in the brain health of a person. Therefore, it is necessary to manage stress to be free from many heath problems.In this regard, a person could do yoga, meditation, activities like gardening, being with pets etc