Kumari Palany & Co

Heat Wave Continues in Chennai, Relief Expected in Second Week of June

Posted on: 05/Jun/2023 9:18:08 AM
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, remains in the grip of a relentless heat wave as temperatures soar above normal. On Sunday, Chennai recorded around 40 degrees Celsius, surpassing the average by 2 degrees. Although slightly lower than the previous day`s record-breaking temperatures, the delay in the arrival of the sea breeze has prolonged discomfort.

The meteorological office predicts maximum temperatures of 39-41 degrees, 2-3 degrees above normal, for the next two days. However, relief is expected with heavy rainfall forecasted in certain areas of Tamil Nadu on Monday. Experts caution that the scorching weather may persist until the second week of June, due to moisture concentration around an Arabian Sea weather system. 

Residents are urged to take precautions to avoid heat-related illnesses, while authorities work to meet the increased demand for water and electricity.