The Government of Tamil Nadu has issued an order for the establishment of a museum at Vandalur Zoo in Chennai. This initiative aims to promote awareness and understanding of wildlife conservation among the public. The construction of the museum, along with a park theater, has been approved by the state government at a cost of Rs 4.3 crore.
Funds have been allocated for the installation of both 3D and 7D theaters within Vandalur Zoo premises. It has been announced that these theaters will showcase captivating documentaries centered around biodiversity in immersive 3D and 7D formats.
The museum and park theater project at Vandalur Zoo reflects the government`s commitment to environmental education and fostering a sense of appreciation for wildlife conservation. It is expected that these additions will enhance visitors` experiences and provide valuable insights into the importance of preserving our natural heritage.
Stay tuned for further updates as the construction progresses, bringing the wonders of wildlife conservation to life at Vandalur Zoo.