Kumari Palany & Co

New: Siren Smart ambulances are planned not to get trapped in traffic congestion!

Posted on: 29/Jun/2023 1:51:23 PM
A new `M Siren Smart` Ambulance system was launched to prevent ambulances from getting trapped in acute traffic congestion!

The patients who need emergency treatment and citizens who got involved in accidents getting seriously injured MUST be admitted to the hospital within the shortest possible time to save their lives.

However, due to acute congestion in the Chennai Metro City routes, it has been rather extremely difficult to take patients in serious condition or the citizen injured in accidents quickly to the hospital.

To counter this problem, and to take the patients on time- within the `golden hours` to save precious lives, The Transport Section of the Department of Chennai Metro City Police, joining with 3 major private hospitals, has created a new system, known as `M Siren`.

How will it operate?

As per this system, in the sirens installed in the ambulance, will transmit a signal through its transmitter.  This signal will be received even before 200 metres distance by the software in the signalling system and will telecast the direction of the ambulance travel. Further, the speaker in the signal system will warn the other vehicles to give way to the ambulance! A warning to give way to the ambulance will also be displayed on the LED screen.

So, the traffic police at the signals will make for the ambulance to move ahead and as such, the ambulance will have a trouble-free drive to take the patient at the earliest.

Launching of the system

In the first Phase, this service has been linked with 3 private hospitals, 25 ambulances and 16 transport signal junctions in Chennai Metro City.

The Additional Commissioner of the Chennai Metro City Police Department Transport Section, Kapil Kumar C. Saratkar informed that this life-saving smart ambulance system is being introduced for the first-ever time in India!

Earlier, the Additional Commissioner of Police Kapil Kumar C. Sarkar inaugurated this M siren Smart Ambulance technology on Wednesday (yesterday, 28th June) at the E. V. R. Periyar Road signal.

During this inaugural function, Transport Police Joint Commissioner N. M. Mayilvaganan, Assistant Commissioners Samay Singh Meena, Savanna and Radhakrishnan participated.