The state of Tamil Nadu has added a new feather to its cap now by the achievement of Ignatius Delos Flora!!
In this month of August and when the Independence Day ( 15TH August) is round the corner the entire Tamil Nadu is now feeling happy and proud because of Ignatius Delos Flora. She has been promoted now as the Major General in the Indian Army.
Huge achievement of Ignatius Delos Flora:
Hailing from the district of Kanniyakumari in south Tamil Nadu, Ignatius Delos Flora has been working as a nurse in the Indian Army. After getting many promotions due to her dedication, passion and hard work etc, she has now become the Major General of the Indian Army. She is the first woman from TN to achieve this and she has caught the attention of many now.
The chief minister of Tamil Nadu Mr. MK. Stalin has congratulated her for reaching this top most position in the Indian Army. In his message, the CM has mentioned that it was a great achievement of Ignatius Delos Flora on becoming the Major General in the Indian Army. He added that it was an amazing milestone for her to reach such glorious heights in the Indian Army. He saluted her for her tremendous work, service and passion etc.
Day before yesterday, the north Indian wing of the Indian Army congratulated Ignatius Delos Flora on its Twitter page. This was retweeted by the chief minister of Tamil Nadu and he appreciated her efforts.