Kumari Palany & Co

Scholarship Financial Assistance for school students: Last date for application: 15th November!

Posted on: 24/Oct/2023 1:51:03 PM
The State Government of Tamil Nadu provides various forms of educational scholarship assistance to government school students. To avail of this assistance, students must follow the proper application procedure outlined in a notification released by the Director of the School Education Board of the State Government of Tamil Nadu. The notification states:

"Students are required to apply through the designated procedure to access these scholarships. Please visit the official website: EMIS and select the `Students` (Manavargal) option.

Each student will have a distinct symbol next to their name. Click on this symbol, and then open the tab labeled `Scholarship.` Carefully read the scholarship details and ensure a thorough understanding.

Make sure to register the correct Caste Certificate Registration number and the Income Tax Department Certificate.

It`s important to note that this procedure must be completed before November 15th."

The Department of Education has issued an order mandating that all Primary Education Officers must provide proper guidance to all school headmasters regarding this matter.