Kumari Palany & Co

Omni buses from other states would not be allowed to operate in TN after 16th December?

Posted on: 07/Nov/2023 9:59:48 AM
Many passengers have been finding it difficult especially during the festival season due to the huge bus fares demanded by the omni buses.  

The transport department has confirmed that the omni buses that were registered in other states would not be allowed to operate in Tamil Nadu from 16th of December.

As per the statement released by the transport dept, in TN there have been many complaints regarding omni buses charging exorbitant amounts as bus fares from the passengers especially in the festival seasons. In addition, there have been many complaints about omni buses registered as tourist vehicles in other states but carrying non-tourists as passengers etc. This has resulted in heavy revenue loss for the state of Tamil Nadu.

In this situation, from 18th October to 25th October 2023, 17825 omni buses were checked across Tamil Nadu. It was found out that as many as 2502 omni buses were operating violating the rules. A penalty amount of Rs 7253870 was imposed on these omni buses and out of that Rs 3992516 was collected. As many as125 omni buses were suspended from running.

The bitter truth is that out of these 125 omni buses that have been suspended 85 omni buses were registered in other states across India. There is now revenue loss of Rs 4.32 lakh per omni bus in TN due to those omni buses registered in other states but operating in TN. For all the 852 omni buses, TN suffered a revenue loss of Rs 28.18 cr per year.  

Details about three phase consultation:

The transport commissioner took part in a 3 phase consultation meeting with the owners of the omni buses. The owners of the omni buses have agreed to re- register the omni buses in TN before 30th November. Yesterday, 6th November 2023, the transport commissioner took part in a meeting with the omni bus owners association. A decision was taken yesterday and as per the decision all the omni buses would have to be completed re-registering before 16th of December 2023. After 16thDecember, Omni buses registered in other states would not be allowed to ply in TN.