The relief and rescue operation in Chennai has been responsible for 95% of normalcy now. This was pointed out by chief secretary Mr. Shiv Das Meena. On Thursday, as many as 18750 people were sent to govt-run relief camps in 4 districts in TN. In the flood affected areas, the IAF helicopters continued their work of airdropping food packets to the people.
The chief secretary later spoke about how 34 teams belonging to SDRF and NDRF of about 850 personnel were busy in the rescue operations. Yesterday, for the sale of vegetables, 50 mobile vehicles were operated by the TN horticultural and cooperative departments. From today, about 150 vehicles would be operated to sell milk and vegetables to the people affected by the floods.
Out of 17704 Distribution Transformers or DT in Chennai, power supply is yet to be restored in just 77 DT`s. In the same way, power supply is yet to be restored in only 578 out of a total of27371 DTs in the districts of Kancheepuram, Chengalpet and Thiruvallur. Point is that the SWD network that was constructed in the last 2 years in Chennai helped flood mitigation in many areas.
To assist their counterparts in Chennai and in the neighbouring areas, health and police departments, GCC, fire and rescue services etc sourced 9000 staff members from other districts.
For traffic, 20 subways have been opened by GCC. It is learnt that GCC has been using 1500 pump sets round the clock to drain out water from many localities in the city. This was mentioned by Mr. Shiv Das Meena. He threw light on the normalcy regarding the milk supply in Chennai. Truth is that Aavin has stepped up the supply to 14 lakh litres of milk and other private suppliers to 8lakh litres of milk in the city.