Kumari Palany & Co

Current situation of the glass bridge in Villivakkam in Chennai explained!!

Posted on: 29/Dec/2023 9:25:21 AM
More than 2 years have passed now since the 250m long glass bridge was constructed over the tank in Villivakkam. The news is that this facility is yet to open for public use. It is worthy to note that this 250m glass bridge was built 41 feet above the sea level. The structural stability was cleared by IIT M in 2022 itself but even then the bridge was not opened to the public.

A NGT case that has been going on for the last one year has been the reason for the delay in the opening of the glass bridge. This was as per Mr. Babu, superintending engineer for special projects department.

He mentioned that an order was issued regarding the construction of an amusement park here and in April 2024, both the bridge as well as the park would open to the public. It is sensational to mention here that the glass bridge is one of its kinds in Chennai and has glass tiles beneath. The bridge would be able to hold 50 persons at a time and this was as per IITM. Truth is that GCC would be charging an entry fee also.

It was later brought to light by Mr. Babu of GCC that tenders under PPM have been given and a contractor would spend Rs 50 cr to set up an amusement park. Food court would also be available here. Point is that the contractor would pay a share of revenue to GCC.