Kumari Palany & Co

Two fold increase in the number of applications received for HRB now in Chennai!!

Posted on: 10/Feb/2024 9:16:49 AM
When compared to the previous year, the number of applications received for high rise buildings or HRB in 2023 is twofold. This was revealed by the CMDA minister Mr. P.K. Sekar Babu.

In the month of May in 2022, CMDA`s single window online planning permission application system went online for public usage. In November 2023, CMDA`s layout module for online planning permission application was launched. Point to be noted is that CMDAs online portal has been integrated with GCC, CMA or Commissionerate of municipal administration, rural development and panchayati raj and directorate town panchayat. The planning permission is being issued at a fast rate through the CMDA`s online Planning Permission portal. A record of 114 planning permissions were given within 30 days in this end to end online planning permission system of CMDA.

Usually, the planning authority receives 65 applications for the HRB or high rise building category. It is worth mentioning that in the online planning permission system last year 135 applications were received, which is a two fold increase.

In 2022 for Non High Rise Buildings or NHRB, 641 applications were received out of which 455 planning permissions were received. Out of 837 applications received in 2023, 605 planning permissions were given.