Kumari Palany & Co

Huge relief from scorching heat - Know about this newly developed chalk based fabric coating!!

Posted on: 26/Aug/2024 9:23:51 AM

We all try various ways to escape from the scorching heat, don`t we?

If you come to know that chalk based fabric coating would offer huge relief from the unbearable heat, then how will you react? Sound`s incredible right!!

The superb piece of news that has come out now is that scientists belonging to the University of Massachusetts or UMass in Amherst have developed a chalk based coating for fabrics that would lower our body temperatures. Point to be noted is that this innovative solution was tested in the extreme summer conditions. It decreased the temp under the clothing by up to 8 degree Fahrenheit compared to ambient air. The temperature under the clothing was decreased by up to 15 degrees Fahrenheit when compared to untreated fabrics.

It is known to us that the temperatures have been on the rise across the world. This research by the scientists from UMass was a part of efforts carried out to combat this increase in the global temperatures due to climate change. There are few health risks associated with extreme heat like heat exhaustion, heat stroke etc. Now, the chalk based coating has been developed to combat these health risks due to extreme heat.

The research team from UMass was inspired by the traditional limestone based plasters used in hot climates to cool homes.

Working principle of chalk based coated fabrics:

The method by which this chalk based fabric coating works is by reflecting the energy from the Sun back into the atmosphere. The natural body heat is allowed to escape.

It is superb to mention here that the chalk based coating could be applied to any fabric and the fabric could be washed by machine also. Even repeated washings would never remove the coating from the fabric. Point is that the chalk based fabric coating is simpler and provides a more comfortable solution when compared to previous cooling fabric designs.