Though residents of T Nagar initially opposed the construction of the Metro station at Panagal Park, Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has assured a revitalized park with upgraded facilities once the station is operational.
Key Updates:
- Park Area Used: Out of the 4.29-acre park, 2.65 acres have been taken for underground construction.
- Tree Management:
- 128 trees have been felled as per approval, with 61 planned for transplantation.
- 35 indigenous trees were saved by modifying construction designs.
- Compensatory plantation includes 7,416 saplings planted across multiple locations, with an 83% survival rate.
- Modern Features Planned:
- Musical fountains, sensory gardens, outdoor gyms, yoga pavilions, volleyball and badminton courts.
- Kids’ play areas with tunnels and sand zones, cycle tracks, dedicated walkways, and public amenities.
- Completion Timeline: The Panagal Park Metro station is expected to be operational by March 2027.
CMRL has committed to restoring the park’s greenery while upgrading it into a vibrant urban space for public use.