Kumari Palany & Co

Work Place Change for I.A.S Officers – TamilNadu Government Order

Posted on: 24/Dec/2013 5:11:11 PM
I.A.S officers have been undergone the work place change; ordered by the TamilNadu Government.

Accordingly, home department and prohibition Tax department Cheif Director Mr. Apporva Varma was appointed. Mr. IraiAnbu, was appointed as the Lead Director of the Anna Management Training organization.

Adding to it, Mr. Nirangan Marty was appointed for Economic and Statistics department. Mr. PangajaKumar Banzal has been transferred as director of the Chennai Metro Train department.

The State physically challenged department director was appointed as Mr. K.Manikavasan and Mr. N.S.Pazaniyappan have been transferred as chief Secretary of Higher Education department.