The Cooking fuel gas customers who did not mention the Aadhar number in their bank accounts will not get any grants, information from the government. This latest news was given by the Central Petroleum Corporation. All over the country, the cooking fuel gas grants is collected via the bank account. Until now above 2,000 Crore L.I.P gas fuels are given in grant price.
In the districts where this plan is already in rule, about three
months before, it is declared that for the customers who did not mention their
Aadhar number along with their bank account details will not get the grants.
The L.I.P payment through the bank accounts is in play from the last June
month. In TamilNadu, about 80,546 customers in Trichy are activated under this
As per the high court statement that the Aadhar number is not
compulsory, now public will be in the confused state when central government
order for ordering the inclusion of the Aadhar number along with the bank
account details.Now people are raising a question of whether the customer
without the aadhar number will be getting the grants issue by the government.