As a step to avoid the 1.5 km walk of the IT employees inside SIPCOT, the transportation department of municipality is set to bring a special bus facility inside the IT Park. SIPCCOT is an industrial park spread over an area of 1600 acres. Including TCS, CTS and Syntel, the IT park has more than 16 such companies with more than 54000 employees.
These IT companies avail around 500 buses and cabs for their employees. On making a study, MTC came to know that the employees, due to the cheaper rates of public transport system, are opting for MTC buses that they can avail at Egatur, Rajiv Gandhi Salai which is at a distance of 1.5 km from SIPCOT.
After the harrowing incident of TCS employee, Uma Maheshwari, IT companies in SIPCOT pleaded to the government asking for special transportation facility to their employees. Agreeing to the request, the municipal transportation department has planned to facilitate them with buses at time interval of 10 to 20 minutes.