+2 public exams were conducted in Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry from 3rd March. 8,75,000 students wrote the exams. Exams for the subjects English, Tamil, Mathematics, Science, etc are over.
It was reported that some questions in Mathematics question paper were tough. It was also considered that one question was wrongly set. Today (17th March) the exam is on Chemistry. The exams get completed on 25th March.
The answer sheets were bundled and parceled and sent to the correction centres provided with police security.
Last year, the job of transporting the answer sheets was entrusted to the Postal Department. However, some answer sheets were found lying on the railway tracks. So, this year this job was not entrusted to Postal Department.
This year, a team of the officials from the Department of Education are given the responsibility of transporting the answer sheets to the correction centres with the specific vehicles allotted for them.
Correction centres for +2 answer sheets have been formed in each education department in the districts. Totally, there are 66 correction centres. Teachers have been appointed for this correction work with officials to monitor them in work.
Correction work is scheduled to start in all correctional centres on 24th March. Correction work will be completed within 10 days. Tamil Nadu Examination Council has issued clear instructions that there should be no mistakes in correction and proper marks are given to the answers. They have been instructed to check once or twice after the correction to ensure that there are no errors. Monitoring officials have also been given instruction to keep strict vigil on the correction process.
There is a plan to release +2 exam results earlier than last year.