Over 10 lakh students in Tamil Nadu and Puducherry have appeared for the SSLC examination. Today at 10 a.m those who have appeared for the SSLC examination will get to see the outcome of their year spent poring over their textbooks and solving umpteen question papers.
According to the Directorate of Government Examinations, which conducted the examination, as many as 10,38,876 students from Tamil Nadu and Puducherry and 56,556 students from Chennai registered for the examination which was conducted in March-April 2014.
Students can access their results through
Those with smart phones can access their results through
www.dge1.tn.nic.in. Students can also get their results by sending ‘TNBOARD , to 09282232585. The facility will be available only post 10 a.m. on Friday.