A two-day regional workshop on ‘Right of Children to Free and Compulsory
Education Act, 2009 and Model Rules, is under way here from Tuesday at Pillar
House near Nagamalai Pudukottai. The aim of the workshop is to make the civil
societal organisations to take up the responsibility for making basic education
reach all the people,
The workshop includes orientation programme for civil society
organisations of southern districts and eastern districts of Tamil Nadu and is
supported by the UNICEF, Chennai.
V.Vasanthi Devi, Chairman, Institute of Human Rights Education and
former Vice-Chancellor, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, said on Tuesday that
the aim of the workshop was to make the civil society more vibrant and involve
them in highlighting the need to implement Right of Children to Free and
Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Model Rules and to discuss about what
needed to be done to make it more effective and reach the margins of the society.
She said that civil societal organisations had the major task to monitor
whether the established norms under the Act had been properly implemented by
the schools. The deliberations of the workshop would be sent to the Central and
State Governments.