ICT Academy of Tamil Nadu (ICTACT) signed an MOU with Oracle on Wednesday in the presence of IT Minister Poongothai Aladi Aruna at a function Chennai. . Lakshmi Narayanan, vice-chairman, Cognizant, M. Sivakumar, CEO, ICTACT and Bhaskar Pramanik, Managing director, Oracle India were in present in the fucbntion. ICTAT will select 640 teachers for training in the next few days The teachers will be given training in latest software in the next three years following this Memorandum of Understanding .ICTACT will select 240 teachers to receive training in ‘Introduction to Computer Science` in the next few days. Following this, Oracle will start the 11-week programme, of which 10 weeks will be virtual training and five days will be instructor-led training, the entire course being completed by July 2011.The institutions will also be given licences for the latest Oracle 11g and other software as part of the ‘Advanced Computer Science` programme.
Presiding over the MoU signing ceremony, State Information Technology Minister Poongothai Aladi Aruna said Tamil Nadu was a job-surplus State but there was a need to harness opportunities for students in rural areas. She called on the industry to partner with the State government to play a pro-active role and increase awareness about the industry and take it to other parts of the State.
Lakshmi Narayanan, chairman ICTACT and vice-chairman, Cognizant, said the Academy, in the last 18 months, had provided training to a number of college teachers.
M. Sivakumar, CEO, ICTACT, said 85 colleges and 120 participants had been called for the workshop to discuss the modalities of the programme.
Ajay Kapur, director, Oracle Education Initiatives, Asia Pacific, said the programme was running successfully in Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, but Tamil Nadu presented a good case owing to its focus on education