Bad days for tipplers because the alcohol prices are going to soar again. The Tamil Nadu State Marketing Corporation (Tasmac), the monopoly agency to procure and sell liquor in the state, may increase prices by Rs 30 to Rs 80 per bottle, the second increase since August, to offset a dip in sales and to meet enhanced targets.
Liquor sales during Diwali holidays (between Oct 18 and Oct 22) was Rs 300 crore, less than during the previous Diwali. On Tuesday , the sales touched Rs 95 crore while on Diwali, Tasmac netted Rs 120 crore, lower than the Rs 150 crore it earned last year. Officials said a combination of factors, including heavy rain and the festival falling in the third week of a month, led to poor sales. They said Trichy and Madurai regions witnessed brisk sales while Chennai and Coimbatore were subdued.
Poor sales, despite higher prices are a cause of worry for the state government since revenue from liquor is its biggest source of income. The state consumes nearly 50 lakh cases of liquor a month and in September the sales were down by more than 2.67 lakh cases compares to last year.