Kumari Palany & Co

Sop up the Sun for Healthy Bones

Posted on: 28/Feb/2015 10:18:04 AM

Consuming a diet vivid in calcium and vitamin D is very essential to keep your bones strong and healthy. Human bones which are mislaid and then reformed in tiny sums throughout life get peak bone mass around the age of 30. Though, post 30, people tend to miss slightly more bone mass than one achieves. To attain a healthy bone mass and to avert conditions such as osteoporosis it is vital to eat healthy.

Here are a few successive tips to attain healthy bones:

Increase calcium Intake: Calcium is an important mineral for the accurate development of teeth and bones. Dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, milk and green leafy vegetables including spinach and collard greens are a rich source of calcium.

Acquire some sunshine: Doctors says that, only the calcium rich food will not aid boost bone density as the body won’t engross the calcium until and unless you have adequate Vitamin D. Sunlight is the top and innate source of vitamin D. Vitamin D is also termed as the `sunshine vitamin` as its formed in the skin via revelation to ultraviolet rays from the sun. Just 15 minutes of sun exposure is adequate to grant the demanded amount of vitamin D. One can even augment Vitamin D by consuming sea foods such as shrimp, sardines, tuna, salmon; fortified cereals and egg yolks.

Keep an eye on the protein intake: We all know the popular saying: “Too much of anything is not good”. This holds true for protein also, which plays a vital role in forming healthy and strong bones. Surplus of protein alters the pH balance in the body. This generates an acidic environment which can upshot in bone loss.

Cut back on salt: Majority of us intake much more than the suggested 2300 milligrams of sodium every day. A high consumption of sodium means, more calcium is missed through urine and sweat. Surplus sodium consumption is also a menace factor for bone brittleness.

Go tranquil on caffeine, soda: Too much of caffeine can impede with the body`s ability to engross calcium. The more caffeine you intake, higher is the quantity of calcium pulled into the urine. Phosphorus, in the state of flavouring agent and the phosphoric acid present in soda also affects with calcium absorption. Hence, poised amount is the key.