Starting August 20th, Air Pegasus will fly daily between Bengaluru and Chennai. The airline has already launched its daily flight from Bengaluru to Mangaluru. It has also increased the frequency of Bengaluru to Hubli, and the Bengaluru to Madurai services. The former is now a twice a day flight from a daily flight; the latter has been made a daily flight from thrice a week.
The new Bengaluru - Chennai flight will depart from Bengaluru at 10.25 am and arrive at Chennai at 11.25 am. The return flight will leave Chennai at 11.50 am and reach Bengaluru at 12.50 pm. With this service, Chennai and Mangaluru are the new destinations to be connected from Bengaluru. The others before this were Hubli, Thiruvananthapuram, Madurai and Kadappa. The airline looks to add Tuticorin, Belgaum, Rajahmundry and Pudhuchery soon.
An Air Pegasus official said, `Following the stupendous response from passengers and the overwhelming patronage received by Air Pegasus in the first four months since inception, we have decided to expand our services to rise to the expectations of the new age customer. The Bengaluru - Hubli flight and Bengaluru - Madurai flight has seen an average occupancy of 80% respectively and bowing to the rising demand from the passengers, we decided to increase the frequency`.