The following trains will be temporarily augmented as explained below:
Train No.22625/22626 Chennai Central - Bangalore - Chennai Central air-conditioned Double Decker express trains will be temporarily augmented by one AC Double Decker Chair Car ex. Chennai Central from 14.09.2015 to 14.12.2015 and ex. Bangalore from 14.09.2015 to 14.12.2015.
Train No.12077/12078 Chennai Central - Vijayawada - Chennai Central Jan Shatabdi express trains will be temporarily augmented by one AC Chair Car ex. Chennai Central from 21.09.2015 to 21.12.2015 and ex. Vijayawada from 21.09.2015 to 21.12.2015.
Train No.22631/22632 Chennai Central - Bikaner - Chennai Central Anuvrat weekly express trains will be temporarily augmented by one AC 2-tier coach ex. Chennai Central from 27.08.2015 to 26.11.2015 and ex. Bikaner from 30.08.2015 to 29.11.2015.
The Madurai - Chandigarh - Madurai portions of train No.12687/12688 Madurai - DehraDun/Chandigarh - Madurai bi-weekly express trains will be temporarily augmented by one Sleeper Class coach ex. Madurai from 30.08.2015 to 29.11.2015 and ex. Chandigarh from 04.09.2015 to 04.12.2015.
Train No.12666/12665 Kanniyakumari - Howrah - Kanniyakumari weekly express trains will be temporarily augmented by one Sleeper Class coach ex. Kanniyakumari from 05.09.2015 to 05.12.2015 and ex. Howrah from 07.09.2015 to 07.12.2015.
Train No.16340/16339 Nagercoil - Mumbai CST - Nagercoil express trains will be temporarily augmented by one Sleeper Class coach ex. Nagercoil from 31.08.2015 to 30.11.2015 and ex. Mumbai CST from 02.09.2015 to 02.12.2015.
Train No.16352/16351 Nagercoil - Mumbai CST - Nagercoil bi-weekly express trains will be temporarily augmented by one Sleeper Class coach ex. Nagercoil from 30.08.2015 to 29.11.2015 and ex. Mumbai CST from 01.09.2015 to 01.12.2015.
Train No.16125/16126 Chennai Egmore - Jodhpur - Chennai Egmore weekly express trains will be temporarily augmented by one Sleeper Class coach ex. Chennai Egmore from 24.10.2015 to 23.01.2016 and ex. Jodhpur from 26.10.2015 to 25.01.2016.
Train No.16332/16331 Thiruvananthapuram - Mumbai CST - Thiruvananthapuram weekly express trains will be temporarily augmented by one AC 3-tier coach & one Sleeper Class coaches. Thiruvananthapuram from 07.11.2015 to 06.02.2016 and ex. Mumbai CST from 09.11.2015 to 08.02.2016.