The Canvas Nitro 4G has been launched in India. This is a budget smartphone from Micromax. The new phone runs on 5.0.2 Lollipop Operating System. The Canvas Nitro 4G has a 5” HD IPS display which us 720 x 1280 pixels. The screen has protection from Corning Gorilla Glass 3.
The phone has a 1.4 GHz octal core processor, 2 GB of RAM and 16 GB of onboard storage. The internal storage can be expanded using a microSD card up to 32 GB. The Canvas Nitro 4G has a 13 megapixel camera. The camera comes with a dual LED flash and a front facing camera that is 5 megapixels. The phone has a 2500 mAh battery as well. The Canvas Nitro 4G supports, as is in the name, 4G, along with Bluetooth 4.0 and WiFi. The phone is set to be sold at Rs. 10,999.