Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalitha will soon inaugurate an automated parking lot apartment that is newly constructed in Thousand Lights, Chennai. This will be capable of holding over 500 vehicles at a time. The inauguration may take place in a day or two.
A seven-story parking lot is constructed on Wallace Road near the outpatients block in Apollo Hospital. This is the very first fully automated parking lot vehicles constructed by the Chennai Corporation. The entire structure will be maintained by Apollo Hospitals. Chennai Corporation will take over the maintenance works later on.
Capacity of the parking lot:
This parking lot will hold the capacity of parking 250 cars and 238 two-wheelers. Six out of seven floors will be meant for parking cars and bikes will be parked in the remaining one floor. The entire system is made completely automated. Owners can leave their vehicles in the ground floor and pay the parking charge. The vehicles will then be taken to the respective floor by e-lifts.
The vehicle can be got back by showing the parking token. And the vehicle will be brought down to ground floor. The parking lot has been tested for quite some time. After successful testing, the parking lot is now ready for inauguration. The inauguration will be made by Chief Minister J. Jayalalitha, say sources from the Chennai Corporation.