Kumari Palany & Co

Google Presents First Global Online Science Fair‎

Posted on: 08/Mar/2011 4:16:49 AM
The Google Science Fair has been open since January - it`s a huge opportunity for all indian kids. See the website:

It is the first ever global, online science competition, looking for the brightest, best young scientists from around the world to submit interesting, creative projects that are relevant to the world today. The comp is open to students between the ages of 13-18 and the deadline for submissions is 4 April this year. It is a chance for indian kids to take on the world!

The thinking behind the Google Science Fair is that kids who were passionate about science grew up to build the internet, find stars and become astronauts, develop new ways of treating burns victims and identify climate change. Google are keen to explore who the next generation of science explorers might be and what they could uncover. Helping kids find their passion for science exploration is about making it relevant - and by making it easy.

There are 11 categories students can submit projects in: Computer Science & Maths, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Behavioural & Social Sciences, Flora & Fauna, Energy & Space, Inventions & Innovation, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Food Science and Electricity & Electronics.

Winners are announced in July by the panel of world-renowned science judges - an eminent panel including Australia`s own Professor Veena Sahajwalla known for her research on Sustainable Materials Processing who leads a research team at The University of New South Wales (UNSW) and is the Director of the Centre for Sustainable Materials Research & Technology.