Kumari Palany & Co

Hoax SMS Containing Radiation Warning Triggers Panic in Asia

Posted on: 15/Mar/2011 2:22:11 AM
If you have received the following message from an unknown phone number, don`t forward it again to anyone. It`s believed to be a hoax.

BBC FLASH NEWS:  Japan government confirms radiation leak at Fukushima nuclear plants. Asia countries should take necessary precautions. If rain comes, remain indoors first 24hrs. Close doors & windows. Swab neclskin with betadine where thyroid area is, radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precautions. Radiation may hit Phil at starting 4pm today. Pls send to your loved ones.

“4.30PM the nuclear powerplant in Japan explode. So, when it rains later or tomorrow dont go out and if u are out, make sure u have umbrella or raincoat because this rain can cause skin cancer etc. Please pass to other people..”

If you received a similar text message: DO NOT BELIEVE IT! DO NOT FORWARD IT! It’s a false warning manipulated to spread unnecessary anxiety and confusion.