The low pressure created in Bay of Bengal is getting intensified due to which the state of Tamil Nadu is likely to receive heavy rain shows in the following five days, say director of the meteorological department, S.R. Ramanan.
Excerpts from Weather Report by Ramanan:
The circulation over southwest of Bay of Bengal has moved on to the southeastern Bay of Bengal. This has given rise to low pressure which is getting bolstered up. This is likely to turn as a severe low pressure zone and develop as a cyclonic zone.
There will be heavy showers for five long days starting from Sunday. In Chennai, heavy rain is expected for three days from today.
Fishermen are requested to be alert for the next 24 hours. Further, they are requested not to go for fishing for two days. Ramanan also added that the storm near Sumatra region is falling away.
Weather Records (in meters):
In the past 24 hours, maximum rainfall was recorded at Nagappatinam - 190 mm. There was 130 mm rainfall at Seergazi and it stands second. Tiruchendur received 90 mm rainfall and places like Chidhambaram, Naanguneri, and other places received about 70 mm rainfall.