BLUEtiful world - this catchy word is nothing but an innovative social initiative by Infinitheism. It integrates the personal good of an individual to the goodness of the entire society, and the world.
Aiming to make this year - 2016, a year of breakthrough Infinitheism has launched BLUEtiful World today. It aims at bringing down the overall load borne by the mother earth by reducing bodily weight of individuals living on the land. For each and every kilo of weight reduced by the participants, Infinitheism will plant one tree. The initiative begins on 11th January and runs up to 11th November 2016.
All that it takes to shed kilos are very minimal efforts such as preferring the stairs to an elevator, stopping with just one Gulab Jamun instead of getting tempted to two or more, replace your plate with veggies and fruits instead of delicacies made with chicken or fatty products, and so on.
The effort is less, but output is abundant. This appreciable effort by Infinitheism is absolutely mind-blowing for its beneficial nature in either ways - you get benefitted by getting better health with reduces kgs, and the mother earth turns cooler with more trees and green spaces planted over.