Tamil Nadu`s State Environment Impact Assessment Authority has decided to enforce the mandate for big builders to include in house systems that will handle food waste. The already existing mandate states that food and kitchen waste must be disposed in an ecologically friendly manner.
Say officials, From now on any builder who undertakes a project spread over 2.20 lakh square feet area will have to mandatorily provide a decentralised system to convert food waste generated in the building complexes into biogas or compost. Provision of this facility will be mandatory at such large complexes before the flats are handed over to the owners. (Making builders include the waste from the community and small eateries in the neighbourhood) will provide the required volume of waste for the biogas plants and keep the neighbourhood clean. Residents in apartment complexes will have to segregate waste.
The food waste can be used to generate electricity that can give power to lights. It may also be converted into compost. Till now, it has been dumped in landfill sites. It (the mandate) would help reduce the load on the landfill sites, reduce transportation costs and manure costs for parks. Biogas plants would produce electricity that can be used by the community and provide employment, say the officials.