Kumari Palany & Co

Mobile app that will help file complaints about wrongful practices by traders to be launched

Posted on: 26/Jan/2016 4:23:03 PM
Soon, consumers can use a mobile phone application to file complaints against errant traders. The announcement was made by the Legal Metrology Department. The Application will be launched by them. They will also launch an online forum called Legal Metrology Complaint Tracking System (LMCTS)` by February this year. 

The application is being developed by the Tamil Nadu e - Governance Agency. It will cost Rs. 26.30 lakhs. With this, consumers will be able to make complaints about over charging and short changing. 

Say officials, This will be the first mobile application for consumer redressal by a legal metrology department in the country. We will take stringent action against fraudulent traders who are taking customers for a ride based on the complaints received on the mobile phone application... We will forward the complaint to our counterparts in other states if the product is bought from outside the state especially through e-shopping.

The Department will have a website for the purpose as well. They will also have a Facebook page and a toll free number. 

Activists have welcomed the move. There are rampant MRP violations across the city. But the department rarely takes action against such violators. The success of the mobile application depends on how effectively the department follows up on the complaints, they say.