After Theri, Vijay will be donning the lead role in his 60th film. Bharathan who directed Azhagiya Tamizh Magan will direct the film. Now the news Vijay has agreed to pair with the young cure heroine Keerthi Suresh. This step could be a blow to top actresses like Nayanthara, Trisha, Hansika, Kajal and Samantha who are quoting a whopping Rs 2 Crore and more.
New age sensation Keerthi the pretty young thing has been getting accolades and making headlines ever since her freshness, acting and screen presence was noticed in films like Idhu Enna Maayam and Rajini Murugan.
Now with films like Dhanush`s Prabhu Solomon directed untitled film, Paambu Sattai and Sivakarthikeyan`s biggie in the pipeline, Keerthi is sure to move up to the big league in 2016.