As per the Chief Minister`s recent announcement regarding the `Amma purified Drinking water scheme` for the poorer sections of the society, 9 places have been located in Chennai Metro City for distribution of 20 liters of purified drinking water every day to each family in the location.
The contract for setting up the water purification station will be announced shortly. While presenting the Budget for Chennai Corporation for the year 2014, Mayor Duraiswamy had announced the scheme of distributing 20 liters of purified drinking water free every day for the poorer sections of the society.
A few days ago, Chief Minister had approved this proposal and now, the project for this scheme will be started. 100 locations will be selected in the city to set up water purification stations. Following this announcement, Chennai Corporation has started in right earnest about the implementation of the scheme. So far, 9 locations have been identified in Chennai Metro city including MMDA Colony and Kolathur.
The balance 91 locations are in the process of being selected. Each drinking water purification station will have the capacity to produce 2000 liters of purified drinking water per hour. Chennai Corporation will shortly sign the contract for setting up these water purification station after selecting the suitable private company.
A corporation official explained that each family will get 20 liters of free purified drinking water per day. The family persons will have to come to the water purification station and collect the same. As it is given free, the only procedure is to register the names when a smart card will be issued.
Ground water & water from the wells in irrigation areas brought in trucks will be used for purification. The project expense details are under preparation. It may not be possible to implement this scheme during the coming summer. As General Assembly Elections are scheduled to be conducted shortly, the scheme work can be taken up only after this is over.
Each water purification station will require 800 to 2000 sq ft area. The corporations officers have been advised to select places in the various wards accordingly. So far, only 9 locations have been identified.
The corporation has been deliberating on the various options - whether the stations can be set up in parks, or taking a lease owned by private parties, or to procure land owned by the other government departments. Chennai Corporation has currently set a target of immediate selection of 20 places.