TTD (Tiurmalai Tirupathi Devasthanam Board) officials had announced that it will take a decision on the distribution of the famous `Laddu` prasadam from the temple. As a tradition, Lord`s offering, the hugely popular item, Laddus, are being distributed to the devotees who visit Tirupathi for the Darshan of the Lord Venkateswara.
For the devotees who come for `Sarva Darisanam` ticket, 2 Laddu are given at the cost of Rs. 10/-. For the devotees who undertake the pilgrimage by foot for Darshan of the Lord via Srivari Mettu mountain route, 2 Laddus are given at a cost of Rs. 20/- and 1 laddu is given free.
For the devotees from other Darshan tickets like Sudarsana ticket, at Rs. 50/-, Speical Darshan Ticket of Rs. 300/-, VIP Darshan ticket at Rs. 500/- are all given 2 laddus each. The Finance managers have been reporting that TTD incurs huge financial burden on this Laddu distribution. Currently, the Laddus produced are of 105 gm by weight and about Rs. 33/- to Rs. 35/- is spent on making each Laddu.
As Laddus are given at concessional rates for the devotees who come for Sarva Darisanam, TTD loses Rs. 30 Crores per year. By selling Laddus at concessional rates for the devotees who undertake the pilgrimage by foot, TTD incurs a loss of Rs. 20 Crores per year. This accounts to a total loss of Rs. 50 Crores per year. As additional Laddus are being currently sold at Rs. 25/- per piece, TTD loses money.
The Trustee Board appointed a special committee to review on this loss. The special committee reviewed the situation over the last 2 months. They have now submitted a report to the TTD authorities.
As per their recommendations, the current scheme can be continued for the devotees who come through Rs. 300/- & Rs. 500/- tickets. However, the number of Laddus given for Sarva darisnam tickets should be reduced from 2 to 1. For the devotees undertaking the journey by foot, the current arrangement should continue. The TTD officials have indicated that a decision on the report will be taken shortly.