Kumari Palany & Co

Chennai Event : Photography Workshop (19th Feb - 23rd Feb)

Posted on: 23/Feb/2016 10:31:40 AM
Date : 19th Feb - 23rd Feb

Time : 09:00am - 12:00pm

Address : Goethe Institute, Max Mueller Bhavan, No.4, 5th Street, Rutland Gate, Near Khader Nawaz Khan Road, Thousand Lights, Central, Chennai.

Description : There will be a four day photography workshop conducted by renowned photographer Philip Blenkinsop. The participants should capture stand alone images over the four day shooting period in Chennai. Their theory will focus on the development of an increased awareness of your surroundings and of the conscious/subconscious mind’s-eye-choreography of elements and subjects that lies at the heart of successful street photography. There will be daily group edits/critiques followed by a final day where the focus will be on the skills needed to construct a coherent narrative with the images edited from the week’s work. Participants can expect between two to three hours of theory/editing each day and will be expected to invest a further four plus hours on the streets shooting each day.

Participants should have access to a digital SLR camera with, ideally, a manual focus prime lens. 35mm is ideal, but between 28 and 50 work along with a laptop with editing programme and thumbdrive/portable hard-drive. Fees: Rs 13,000. Registration is mandatory.