Kumari Palany & Co

Now, solar panels that use rain to generate electricity

Posted on: 13/Apr/2016 5:28:17 PM
Solar panels have faced the problem of giving out optimal power without ideal weather conditions, such as rain or cloud cover. Now, Chinese scientists have brought out a panel that will be able to create electricity with the assistance of raindrops. 

A thin layer of graphene coats the solar cells during the testing. Graphene is a good conductor of electricity. A mere one atom thinck graphe layer is enough for an excessive amount of electrons to move as they wash across the surface. Graphene binds its electrons with positively charged ions when water is present, a process called Lewis acid base interaction. 

The new solar cells can be stimulated by light on sunny days and by raindrops when its is raining. It will yield an optimal energy conversion efficiency of 6.53 percent under 1.5 atmosphere thickness irradiation and current, with a voltage of hundred of mV. The rain is separated into ions, i.e. ammonium, calcium and sodium, with the help of the salt that is present in rain. This makes graphene and natural water a great combination for creating energy.