For the post of Block Health Statistician, The Tamil Nadu Public Service Commission on Sunday conducted the written examination throughout Tamil Nadu. There are 172 vacancies for this post. 11,165 candidates wrote this examination at the examination centers in various parts of Tamil Nadu. The Chairperson of the Commission K. Arulmozhi conducted a surprise check at the exam centre.
After this, K. Arulmozhi spoke to the media. He while speaking said: 11,165 candidates have written the examination for the post of Block Health Statistician. There are 172 vacancies. The concerned district collectors made all the arrangements in the examination centres. The examinations were conducted with security and reliability. Candidates are selected based on their talents. Hence candidates aspiring for TNPSC posts should study keeping faith in their talents. After becoming the Chairperson I have conducted 13 examinations. Last year the Group 1 examinations were held. The answer books could not be evaluated due to floods and rains during the month of December. Hence there is delay in publishing the results. Very soon the results of Group 1, Group 2 and VAO results will be published. The schedule for the examinations for the year 2016-2017 have been uploaded in the commission’s website