Kumari Palany & Co

Indians spend most on beauty needs and communication

Posted on: 05/Jul/2016 9:28:17 AM
What for do Indians spend most of their earnings? The central statistics office had conducted a recent research on this topic. This involved analyzing all the villages and cities by the national sample survey reports.
Studies were made on 4,535 families in 7,969 villages and 36,065 families belonging to 6,048 cities. This involved 14 types of expenditures including salon and beauty services, TV, radio services, washing, repairing, maintenance, communication, worshiping, business, travel, tailoring, cultural needs, and entertainment. It was found that more than 90 percent individuals spend most of their income towards salon and beauty related needs and communication. About 25.33 percent of income of villages is spent towards beauty needs, 11.07 percent towards radio, 10.58 percent towards TV, 10.27 percent towards repairing, and 10.18 percent towards tailoring needs.
Likewise, 26.33 percent of suburbanites are spent towards communication, 12.11 percent towards beauty needs, 10.22 percent towards radio and TV, 9.95 percent towards cultural needs and entertainment.