The Prime Minister of India, Narendra Modi and Finance Minister Arun Jaitley have decided on who is going to be the next RBI governor. Official announcement about this is expected by next month.
The term of office for the present governor of RBI gets over on 4th of next month. As Subramanian Swamy took pot shots at the functioning of Raghuram Rajan, the latter has expressed disinterest in continuing the job.
Following this, in the past few weeks, the government has been in look out for the next governor. Day before yesterday, a discussion meet took place among Arun Jaitley and Prime Minister. This continued on for more than an hour during when they selected the next RBI governor.
In 2013, the then RBI governor, D. Subbarao quit his position three weeks before his actual tenure, and got appointed as a special officer with the RBI. It was at this stage that Raghuram Rajan took position as governor. Now, as Raghuram Rajan’s tenure is set to get over by 4th of September, announcement about the successor is likely in another week.
Who is likely to get positioned?
There is increasing expectation about who is going to be the 24th governor of RBI. Former Deputy Governor Subir Gokarn, present deputy governor Urjit Patel, or Chief Economic Advisor Arvind Subramanian is likely to grab the opportunity.