Kumari Palany & Co

The festival Krishna Jayanthi brings joy to people

Posted on: 25/Aug/2016 9:23:47 AM
The King Kamsa, after getting his sister Devaki married to Vasudeva, was taking them in a procession in a chariot. At that time, an Oracle announced that the 8th male child born to his sister Devaki will kill king Kamsa.

The moment the evil king Kamsa heard this, he lost all the affections he had for his sister. He was more intent on saving his own life. So, he was ready to pull out his sword to kill his sister Devaki.Vasudeva pleaded with Kamsa that it is only the 8th child that will kill him – but Vasudeva will hand over every child born immediately to Kamsa. So Kamsa can leave Devaki alive. King Kamsa appreciated this and abandoned the thought of killing his sister Devaki. However, he immediately imprisoned both Vasudeva and Devaki and kept them under his close custody.

7 children were born to Devaki. They were all killed by king Kamsa immediately after they were born. Devaki was pregnant for the 8th time. 

Having watched all her children killed, she was extremely distressed to think about her fate and could not bear the thought of losing her 8th child as well.

Finally, the 8th child, a boy, was born on a midnight. Both Vasudeva and Devaki were delighted for an instant to see their 8th child but were distressed about the child’s fate. The child will be killed the next morning by the evil king Kamsa. The very thought despaired them both.

At this time, the child took the form of Lord Vishnu and started talking: Due to your good deeds, I am born as your child. Please take me to Gokulam. Instead, bring the female child born to Vasudeva’s friend Nandagopala and his wife Yasoda to this place. Yasoda will bring me up. Every good thing will happen at the right time.

At this instance, the prison’s doors opened automatically for Vasudeva to carry his 8th child away. The guards also fainted. So, Vasudeva, without wasting time, carried the child in a basket and took him to Gokulam. He exchanged the male child with the female child born to his friend Nandagopala and took it back.

Once he entered the prison back, the prison doors closed automatically. The guards were back from their faint. They were never aware of whatever happened. Even Vasudeva and Devaki were not clearly aware of whatever happened.

King Kamsa heard about the birth if the 8th child in the morning and came to the prison. He was surprised to see a female child. He was remembering the oracle’s statement that the 8th child will be male but was determined to kill the child whatever the gender. He drew his sword to kill the child. However, the child transformed to Goddess Durga and told, Kamsa, The child which will kill you is safe and secure in a different place – he will kill you at the right time.

The time passed. The 8th child, none other than Lord Krishna, grew in Gokulam under the care of Yasoda and Nandagopala and at the right time, he killed his uncle, the evil king Kamsa.

Lord Krishna was born in the Tamil calendar month of  Aavani on Ashatami thithi during the waning fortnight of the moon. This day is being celebrated as Krishna Jayanthi.

This year, Krishna Jayanthi falls on today - Thursday, 25th August.