Right when the announcement about change of privacy terms in WhatsApp was announced, people across there burst an outrage from across the world. WhatsApp will now be sharing its user data with Facebook, the parent company. Based on the consumption patterns, WhatsApp will henceforth start displaying advertisements similar to Facebook. WhatsApp has not hinted anything about how often we will see these ads.
Users are free to opt out of these ads, but WhatsApp will be sharing all user contact information for other needs. If you are not happy with these changes, you may choose to shift to other messaging platforms. A few of such apps more or less with the same features are listed below:
Viber has an extra feature as compared to WhatsApp. This is its video calling facility. This messenger service is both desktop as well as mobile based. Users can send free messages, make calls and even conduct video conferences. The app is available for Windows, BlackBerry, Android and iOS.
Telegram comes with a number of new features such as encrypted chats. These chat messages get deleted automatically after a specific time period. There will be screenshot notification which means users will get to know if the recipient takes a screenshot of the chat. The messaging platform also support GIF files and emojis or stickers can be pulled from other third party applications. This is very quick in delivering messages.
Hike Messenger
Hike was launched in 2012. It comes with no bandwidth concerns as it can be used even without Wi-Fi or data packs. Hike extends topnotch security to all its users as it has incorruptible encryption. It is available on iOS, Windows and Android devices.
Black Berry Messenger
It was during 2013 that the app was launched on Windows, iOS and Android. BBM is an ideal replacement without hassles and it is completely safe to use.
In addition to being a messaging platform, WeChat also serves to book radio cab, utility bill payment, etc. It also has an office-like suite, an offline drive. This enables storage of files and others. This is also available for desktop. Android, BlackBerry, Windows and iPhone mobiles can make use of the app. And for desktop, OS X and Windows can use it.
Which is your choice among these five? Let us know in the comments below