Kumari Palany & Co

RBI employees to jump into nationwide strike

Posted on: 01/Sep/2016 5:09:00 PM
The nationwide day long strike by the central trade unions will also see participation by the workers and employees of the Reserve Bank of India.
In a joint statement by the All India Reserve Bank Employees’ Association and All India Reserve Bank Workers’ Federation, it is stated that employees of Reserve bank from across the country will take part in an industrial strike on 2nd of September, supporting the demands placed by the working class people in the country.
The central trade unions including the INTUC, AITUC, HMS, CITU, AIUTUC, etc has called out for a day long strike nationwide on 2nd September. This is to protest against the unilateral labor reforms and anti-worker policies by the Modi government. This strike is likely to see participation by over 5 lakh bank union workers and officers.