Air Carnival, a regional airline in India has launched evening flights between Chennai and Madurai. In his not about this, the Chief Executive Officer of the airline, Manishkumar Singh stated that Air Carnival has been offering flight services between Coimbatore and Chennai, Chennai and Madurai, Madurai and Chennai, and Chennai and Coimbatore starting from 18th of July.
Keeping in mind the requirements of passengers, we are now set to extend our services between these cities with evening flights starting from 1st of September.
The evening flight from Coimbatore will depart at 04.45 pm and arrive at Chennai at 06.00 pm, whereas the flight departing from Chennai at 06.45 pm will arrive at the Madurai airport at 07.45 pm. From Madurai, the flight will depart at 07.55 pm and reach Chennai at 08.20 pm.
Those traveling for official reasons will be largely benefitted. The CEO also added that their airlines has got plans to connect the fast developing Trichy and Tuticorin districts. They will be connecting major districts of Tamil Nadu in the next five months.