Kumari Palany & Co

Ideal diet for babies? Eggs and peanuts, say doctors

Posted on: 30/Sep/2016 10:27:14 AM
A new study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association says that there is evidence in favour of feeding peanuts and eggs. Peanuts and eggs are highly allergy causing foods, and so the study has become a concern for experts.

On their own, pollen, shellfish, and peanuts are completely harmless to the human body. But once the body decides that shrimp cocktail or a Snickers bar is a threat, they may as well be poison. Allergies can be treated; they can’t be cured. So ideally, we should be able to prevent them from arising in the first place.

Analysis of previous studies found that they did indeed support the concept of introducing certain foods early on. The evidence was strongest in favour of peanuts and eggs and limited on fish. The data also suggested that giving healthy young kids small doses of gluten was safe and would not lead to celiac disease down the road.

Experts say, These latest recommendations are not the final word. The studies on which they’re based are not perfect. The ideal scientific experiment is blind - that is, participants don’t know if they’re in the experimental or control group. But it’s pretty hard to blind an experiment. To be completely certain, we need more research.