The Mahindra Electric Company has launched a new Electric car model E2O Plus in India. The opening price is fixed at Rs. 5.46 Lakhs.This launch has been coinciding with the country’s most important festive occasion of Deepavali.
The new electric car is available at 3 prices from Rs. 5.46 Lakhs to Rs. 8.46 Lakhs.
The new car, with the latest technology, is a major attraction for the youth.This model E2O Plus is more advanced than the earlier model E2O. This is a 4-door model. It appears quite spacious with extra seating extra seating space.
As compared to the earlier model, the length of the car has increased by 310mm-3590 mm. Vertical LED Tail-lamps are fitted. A special place for number plates has been slightly shifted above. The usage of the touch-screen monitor has been simplified.
One of the most important features is that even at the battery strength down at 10 percent, the car can travel a further distance of up to 7-10 km.
A touch-screen is available to operate the car.With this, one can activate to run the car for longer distances.
An App, E2O Plus can be downloaded on your mobile phone. With this, you can open or close the car doors. It will take 9 hours to fully charge the car.