British medical expert Dr. Richard Beale will, over the next few days, monitor the progress in the health of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalalithaa. This is Dr. Beale’s fourth visit to Chennai in 22 days. On Sunday, he examined Ms. Jayalalithaa along with AIIMS pulmonologist Dr G.C. Khilnani.
According to sources, Dr Beale, the Consultant Intensivist Guy’s and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust will be here for the next few days and monitor the current pace of progress in Ms Jayalalithaa’s health.
The latest medical bulletin issued by Apollo Hospitals on Friday says, Ms. Jayalalithaa is making gradual progress. Ms Jayalalithaa continues to be under treatment and observation for all vital parameters, respiratory support and passive physiotherapy.
Former Kerala Chief Minister Oomen Chandy also visited Apollo Hospitals on Sunday. Speaking to the press, Mr. Chandy said, We are getting positive reports from the hospital on the health of Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa. I met the doctors and they explained everything to me. According to them, she is progressing very well...she will recover in a very short time.