Chennai Police have given 15 safety measures for bursting crackers.
- Crackers should be burst only from 6 am to 10 pm. it is an offence to manufacture, sell or burst crackers that emit noise beyond 125 decibels.
- Crackers should be avoided near inflammable goods. Crackers should not be burst near stationed cars, bikes and buses. Avoid crackers near petrol storage places.
- Dont light crackers and throw up, the crackers may fall on someone next to you.
- Be careful while bursting crackers. Avoid bursting crackers in crowded place.
- Don’t light fireworks in metal or glass containers.
- Don’t use aerial fireworks near slums and apartments.
- Don’t store firecrackers near burning candles and diyas.
- Don’t dry the wet crackers in stoves.
- Never let children burst crackers alone. An adult should keep an eye on them constantly.
- Always avoid lighting aerial crackers in an area surrounded by huts.
- Smoking and throwing cigarette butts on the fireworks cracker shops are banned.
- Crackers should not be burst near cracker shops for the sake of publicity or competition.
- Cracker merchants should not use candles, petromax or hurricane lights in their shops.
- Always light only one cracker at a time.
- Cont burst crackers near animals and pets.