Kumari Palany & Co

Children Diwali celebration arrangements by Rotary Club

Posted on: 28/Oct/2016 8:52:21 PM
The Diwali celebration organized by Rotary District 3230 at VGP Universal Kingdom, nearly 1500 children from over 33 special schools took part. This event took place under the guidance of District Governor Natrajan Nagoji and Anandha Deepavali Celebrations Chairman Mahaveer Bothra.

The chief guest of the event was actor Srikanth and the Managing Director of Medisales was the guest of honor. Parents, attendants and school coordinators accompanied the children. There were about 200 Rotractors from different colleges extending helping hand for the children to climb on rides.

Breakfast, lunch, snacks, and dinner were also provided to the children. Further, a bag full of goodies comprising biscuits, chocolates, chips, juice, health drink, water bottle, cap, t-shirt, etc were sponsored by Rotarians.