Kumari Palany & Co

Reserve Bank of India - Rs. 50 currency notes dispensed in ATMs

Posted on: 10/Nov/2016 4:13:24 PM
The Reserve Bank of India has announced that currency notes of the denominations Rs. 500 and Rs. 2000 will be available from today (Thursday, 10th November). These Rs. 500 and Rs. 2000 currency notes will be dispensed from the ATMs from tomorrow (Friday, 11th November).

Presently, only Rs. 500 and Rs. 100 currency notes are dispensed by all ATMs. From now, Rs. 50 currency note will not be available as freely as before. However, to alleviate the current problems faced for change, it has been announced that Rs. 50 currency notes will be dispensed in larger quantities over the next few days.

After the announcement that Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 currency notes are invalid, the public has been encountering undue hardships even to buy the essential items. The problem is not in handing over Rs. 500 or Rs. 1000 currency notes. The real problem is dispensing the change in the form of Rs. 100 currency notes.  This has almost crippled the daily life of the public.

Now, it  has been announced that Rs. 50 currency notes will be dispensed in larger quantities in all ATMs. This has brought some extent of relief to the middle class and the poor section of the society.